Sunday, November 4, 2012

Please help The HOMELESS

Please help!! there are many people out there with no homes. they need our help. so if you can donate money, diapers, anything will be fine except stuffed animals. please help us.

Friday, October 19, 2012

Pumpkins, socks and more pumkins

Me and my mom went to decorate pumpkins last night. These little girls were  collecting socks for socks for smiles. I had an awesome time doing this. Any ideas for how to make pumpkin pie!!!!!!!!!

Friday, September 14, 2012

Thousands and thousands of socks!

(From Mom)

This arrived this week:

That's six boxes of socks from Planet Sox.  This makes a total of eight boxes this amazingly generous company has sent! 

We also received 50 pairs of socks (plus some underwear) and a check for $50 from our local junior women's club this week. 

LuLu has had a couple of friends helping her sort and count the socks.  We stuffed the car to the max with socks this afternoon and drove them over to our local Children's Home Society office.  They are taking them to a statewide meeting next week to distribute to other Children's Home Society branches.  THOUSANDS of pairs of colorful socks will be hitting the feet of foster kids all over Florida next week!

AND we received this email from Lindsay, who was inspired by this project to start collecting socks at banks in Dallas, Texas:

Good news... we were able to collect 531 pairs of socks and donate them to Community Partners of Dallas for Socks for Smiles!!! They were so appreciative and BADLY needed the donation. I was able to share your daughters story with them and they were excited to have such a young, driven girl helping them from half way across the country. You really should be proud of what you and your daughter are doing :) I have attached a few photos for you.

Oh and through the sock donations I found a few people that were interested in helping Dallas Community Partners on their coat drive in December!!!

Best of luck to you guys!!

We've collected 8,000 pairs of socks now between Lindsay's efforts, Planet Sox and donations from all over the country.  THANK YOU!

Monday, September 3, 2012

A new helper

we are excited to announce that we have had an awesome delivery we have now had 1600 pairs of socks! My best friend is our new helper she would like to be called yoda or alex

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

We Made Our First Delivery!

(Written by the Mom.)

Thank you for all of the socks!   We've gotten four packages in the mail in the last few days, as well as another Pay Pal donation.

We delivered 277 pairs of socks, 21 pairs of underwear and various toiletries to Children's Home Society of Florida yesterday.  There were even some very special super hero socks sent from a trauma mom friend!  They will defiantly add some extra strength and power to a young lady's feet soon! 

The case workers were thrilled!  They said children often arrive at their group homes with no socks or underwear to wear to school the next day, so this is really filling a big need for them.

Here's what we delivered.  The local newspaper was on hand to document it and interview Princess LuLu, who was terrified at first, but soon warmed up.

I received the following email from Lindsay this morning, who was inspired by this project to collect socks at banks in Dallas, Texas.

I just wanted to let you know that so far I have been able to collect a little over 130 children's socks (as well as 30 children's gloves/mittens, underwear etc.) I will be picking up another 50-75 pairs of socks late next week and I have set up a time to meet with Paige from Community Partners of Dallas to donate everything. This is a pic of all the socks last week and I will take some pics of the facility that you can pass on to your daughter. Just to give you a little info on Community Partners of Dallas, they service over 9,000 children in the Dallas area who are coming from CPS and are in the process of being placed in the home. Paige was VERY appreciative for what you and your daughter are doing and said that socks were one of their biggest needs right now!

I will keep you posted :)

 Thank you, Lindsay!  She sent this photo of some of the socks she's collected so far:

 School starts here on Monday.  My sweet girl is very proud that there will be a whole bunch of foster kids wearing brand new, colorful socks on their first day of school because of this project!  Thank you again for all of the support!

Thursday, August 9, 2012

socks socks and more socks

thank you i cant believe so many socks are coming in. we are going on monday to give the socks away to a foster care home. remember you are helping a childs life every time you help us. :) :)

Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Our First Boxes From the Post Office!

(from "The Mom")

Our first two boxes of donated socks arrived at the post office today, including these:

(photo from Amazon)

We are especially excited to pass these along to a deserving foster child because we adored and miss our Boston terrier, Shelly.  She was Princess LuLu's first friend when she came home.   While they had less than six months together, I credit Shelly with helping LuLu feel willing to give being a family girl a chance.  So we're sure these socks will bring extra luck to the child that gets them!  (Thanks, Sarah!)

Between the two boxes there were 55 more pairs of socks! THANK YOU!!! We're at 355 now!

 I'm heading to the Blogher conference in NYC (with Princess LuLu accompanying me!). We'll update you again next week! Any NYC tips? It's the first time for both of us!

Thursday, July 26, 2012

little helper

Look at this! My little Helper.


The time has come, we have found a foundation that wants 200 pairs of socks! The foundation we got is called The Children's Home Society of Florida. We love that we found a place to put these wonderful colorful socks to go to. Thanks to all of you children are going to be very happy with there new colorful socks. Socks for smiles is adding a few other things for them to have out of our money!!!!!!!!!!!  Together we have collected $200 and 271 pairs of sock! REMEMBER to leave any comments you have about socks for smiles. Here are a few pics of some stuff we are going to give them. The pics are above the passage

thank you

We like to thank all of you guys for donating socks or money. I'll be sure to to mention all of you to the foster people we go to. All the kids will be very happy at you.
                                               Donating info is on the right hand side.


Wednesday, July 25, 2012

243 Pairs of Socks Bought So Far!

(from "the Mom")

Here's what 243 pairs of brightly colored socks looks like:

They were bought with the $178 in donations that have been sent by Pay Pal since Monday.

Children's Home Society of Florida will be receiving this first batch  next week.  They'll be distributing them to foster children living in their group home facilities.

This is what "proud" looks like:

Tuesday, July 24, 2012


(This is "the Mom" typing.)

We are overwhelmed at the enthusiastic response to this little project!   I posted my daughter's thoughts on my personal Facebook page yesterday and the excitement of my friends led me to set up a Facebook page for the project and to help my girl design this blog.  In about 12 hours, the Facebook page has 67 "likes" and over 350 people have viewed this blog! WOW!  Oh, and Socks for Smiles has received $83 in donations via Pay Pal to buy socks for foster children!  AMAZING!

Here are some ways you can help:

  • You can mail socks to:

Socks for Smiles
PO Box 651537
Vero Beach, FL 32965

  • Send Pay Pal donations to
  •  Donate socks directly to a foster care organization in your local area.
  • Spread the word!
  •  Like us on Facebook:

Monday, July 23, 2012

Please Help!

We need help. We are collecting colorful socks to help foster children. We don't allow white socks in our world.  Only colorful ones please!